My Evolving Blog: A Natural Writer’s Ramblings

Published June 17, 2013 by Jenny

If you haven’t noticed, I changed the name of my blog.

A few weeks ago my blog was titled, “Reading En Vogue.” I’ve noticed a decrease in visitor traffic…and I have no idea if that is due to my blog change or not. Perhaps I should have named my blog “The Blog Formerly Known as Reading En Vogue.” LOL. 😉 Now my blog is “Written En Vogue.”

I am evolving as a writer and as a person, and so my blog must evolve as well. I’m making attempts to write more, and I am finding myself writing more about other life topics than just book reviews. Like most writers, I want to leave an impression with the thoughts I share…hence the “creating an immortal statement.”

As a writer, there is no greater feeling than opening my email and seeing a new subscriber or that someone “liked” my post. It proves that these written words are not just words on a screen. They are actual words that are seen. And with that comes an innate desire to write about self-improvement, in hope that it will also impact someone else’s life other than my own.

So where am I going with this?

I will still write book reviews–that beast cannot be stopped! 😉 Reading is and will always be a passion of mine. However, there are so many other things going on in my life and different stories to tell!

For instance, did you know:

I’ve been trying to “live lean” and natural for the past few months. In fact, I dropped down to a size 2 (my early college years size!)–all because I changed my diet, read ingredient labels, and have stopped eating processed foods. AND, I don’t even exercise regularly (other than playing with my boys ;)).

Throughout this new change I discovered that SO MANY different types of bread contain this garbage ingredient called “Azodicarbonamide” or ADA and is used in food industry as a food additive, a flour bleaching agent. BUT, it is also “the principal use of azodicarbonamide is in the production of foamed plastics as an additive.” WHAT?!!

Value Time Hamburger Buns

Value Time Hamburger Buns

Yes, you read that correctly. This same ingredient that is found in bread is also found in plastics and synthetic leather. GROSS!

So, I have been on a mission to rid this crap from my house because I’d rather not eat something that is also found in the sole of your shoe!! (True story, click link to see video!)

I honestly did NOT see all of this coming–I was never very “ingredient” aware when it came to my diet and cooking. I’d look as far as fat, calorie, sugar and cholesterol content and leave it at that.

Now I find myself seeking out “high fructose corn syrup,” “MSG” and various chemical ingredients that I cannot pronounce. In fact, my husband and I have this rule: If you can’t pronounce it and you don’t know what it is, you probably shouldn’t eat it.” FACT. I believe this through and through. And I’ll you why…although semi-unreleated.

Last summer I suffered from constant eye problems. (If you have followed my blog for a chunk of time, you probably remember me whining about this ;).) My eyes were always red, irritated and just plain annoying to deal with. I thought it was a direct result of the time I was spending on the computer due to my editing job. However, nearly a year late, I discovered it was not.

In my attempts to clean up my diet, I’ve also cleaned up my beauty bag. I no longer wear “unnatural” makeup or wash my face with “unnatural” cleansers. I now wear a fruit pigmented mascara from 100% Pure and I wash my face with an Alba Botanica cleanser. And wallah! No more eye problems!

So, this is what I have concluded: If  ingredients in my beauty products were irritating my eyes, there were probably ingredients in processed foods that could irritate my body…and I wouldn’t even know it.

So there. I am still a YA reading fool, but I am also turning into a natural food and product lover. And it’s something I want to share. So with that, I give you the new and improved “Written En Vogue.”

I’m going to write about all this new stuff, and I will do it in style. Stay tuned because there is MORE to come ;).

Would LOVE to hear from YOU!!